Review: I Love My Hair! by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley, illustrated by E.B. Lewis

A little girl, Keyana, recalls the often painful ritual of having her hair combed through, every night, by her Muma. Using wonderfully accurate metaphor we learn about Keyana's many hairstyles and, eventually, all the reasons why she loves her hair.

Although this book is written by a Black American author, Natasha Anastasia Tarpley, the US phrasing and referencing is fairly subtle so it's still very accessible for younger readers in the UK.

The text is accompanied by stunningly lifelike evocative illustrations from E.B. Lewis that depict Keyana’s everyday life and allow us to experience her vivid imagination.

A thoughtful, elegant, and important story to boost self-esteem and self-confidence particularly in young Black girls, encouraging them to positively embrace their natural hair and recognize its versatility.

Guide for teachers and parents


Narrative – stories with familiar settings; stories from other cultures

Child-led interests

my family, me and my body, ourselves, role play

Age group (EYFS, KS1, KS2)


Curriculum links/topics (EYFS/NC)



class library, storytime or home-reader

General features

simple present tense, first-person narration, metaphors including, similes, onomatopoeia clicky-clacky

All the Black children's books that I review are checked against my Jericho Benchmark
